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Who is the most reliable of the three sphygmomanometer schemes: mercury/electronic/barometric?

文章來源:鑫志科技 / 作者:鑫志科技 / 發(fā)表時間:2021-10-11

In recent years, the incidence rate of hypertension has been increasing year by year in China. Hypertension is not only the "patent" of the elderly, but also exists in middle-aged and young people. Data shows that the prevalence rate of hypertension among residents aged 18 and above in China was once as high as 18.8%, that is, the total number of people suffering from hypertension in China is about 160 million. Based on such a large number, It can be seen that the demand for sphygmomanometer in the market is also immeasurable.

Who is the most reliable of the three sphygmomanometer schemes: mercury/electronic/barometric?

Mercury columnScheme of sphygmomanometerGradually abandoned

Generally, sphygmomanometer can be divided into three types: mercury sphygmomanometer, electronic sphygmomanometer and barometer (spring) sphygmomanometer. The most common are mercury sphygmomanometer and electronic sphygmomanometer. Especially in the past when electronic sphygmomanometer has not improved, mercury sphygmomanometer has occupied most of the market.

Mercury columnScheme of sphygmomanometer

But do you really understand that mercury is a sphygmomanometer? In fact, the mercury column sphygmomanometer was first used to measure horse blood pressure in Britain in 1928. This sphygmomanometer works by transmitting the pulse to a narrow mercury column. When the pulse beats, the mercury will also beat up and down accordingly. After the change of the period and the improvement of the environmental protection concept, the mercury column sphygmomanometer has been gradually abandoned in medicine and replaced by the electronic sphygmomanometer. In order to timely understand their own health, many people will also buy an electronic sphygmomanometer in their families.

There are many kinds of electronic sphygmomanometer

The development of electronic sphygmomanometer is very fast. It has successfully replaced the mercury column sphygmomanometer and is an indispensable medical equipment in modern medicine. Electronic sphygmomanometer stops blood pressure measurement through modern electronic technology and the principle of indirect blood pressure measurement. Its varieties are generally divided into upper arm type, trick type and finger type. Its technology has experienced the most primitive first generation (mechanic constant speed exhaust valve), second generation (electronic servo valve) The development of the third generation (pressurized synchronous measurement) and the fourth generation (integrated gas circuit).

Upper arm electronicsScheme of sphygmomanometer

These three different electronic sphygmomanometer are designed for people with different needs, so not all of them are suitable for all people. Among them, the upper arm electronic sphygmomanometer is the most common one for people and is often used in medical institutions and individual families. However, in a particularly cold winter, it is not easy to use the upper arm electronic sphygmomanometer. Although wrist and finger electronic sphygmomanometer are easier to carry, they are generally not recommended for elderly people, especially for patients with blood circulation disorders (such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, etc.).

The implementation of barometer type sphygmomanometer is not common

Barometer sphygmomanometer, also known as aneroid manometer, is similar to the dial of a clock in appearance design, and uses the mechanical action of the head to indicate the blood pressure reading. Other parts of this sphygmomanometer are basically the same as the mercury sphygmomanometer, but its accuracy is not as good as the mercury sphygmomanometer, and the barometer is a sphygmomanometer that still contains a certain amount of mercury, so the application scope of the barometer sphygmomanometer has not been widely promoted.

Barometer typeScheme of sphygmomanometer

In general, mercury sphygmomanometer are more accurate, cost-effective, and most commonly used. Medical sphygmomanometer are basically of this type, but they also have relatively high technical requirements for operators. Considering from the perspective of environmental protection, mercury sphygmomanometer have been gradually replaced. In addition, the barometer type sphygmomanometer has poor accuracy, high maintenance costs, and high requirements for users' vision, hearing, etc., so it is not widely implemented.

The electronic sphygmomanometer can also achieve a high accuracy under the premise of operating standards, and its display mode is more intuitive, and it is easier to take care of itself, so it is also used by more and more medical institutions. However, the price of electronic sphygmomanometer is relatively expensive, and it still needs to stop calibration after a long time of use.

The presentation of high-quality sphygmomanometer has occupied a large position in people's lives, and it protects our health. With the progress of life and death level and the acceleration of the rhythm, the "three high" patients are becoming younger and younger. Regular physical examination is indispensable for the well-being of themselves and their families. If conditions permit, it is also a healthy habit to have a sphygmomanometer at home, so as to pay attention to the physical condition at any time.














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